Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Pure and faultless

Hope  you all had a wonderful, blessed Christmas!  I certainly did.

I also just finished one of the best books I have ever read, Kisses from Katie.   This book just breaks my heart open.   Katie truly knows what it means to follow Jesus to the ends of the earth.  In what started out in an interest in going to Uganda for a missions trip, Katie fell in love with Uganda.  After high school, Katie left her family, her boyfriend, and her whole life behind to move to Uganda.  From the time she got there, Katie worked from morning til night caring for the poor.  She has started a non-profit organization to help children be fed, clothed, and go to school.  She cares for the sick and feeds the hungry.  She removes jiggers from children’s feet and holds orphans.  She truly, truly knows what it means to care for the widows and orphans.   And she has adopted 14 beautiful Ugandan girls who she showers in love and care.

There are so many wonderful insights that I wish I could share with you, but I’ll just share this one: 

“People are people.   They all need food and water and medicine, but mostly they need love and truth and Jesus.  I can do that.  WE can do that.  We can give people food, water, medicine, love, truth and Jesus.  The same God created all of us for a purpose, which is to serve Him and to love and to care for His people.  It is universal.  We can’t do it in our own strength or out of our own resources, but as we follow God to wherever He is leading us.  He makes the impossible happen.”

And it’s true.  Jesus calls us to follow him.  He doesn’t say sit in your warm clothes and warm house and not care about those around us.  We can do that.  Or we can stop and think about what it means to care for the widows and the orphans.  I hope you will read this book and think about what it means to follow Jesus.  And maybe then, God will use US to accomplish the impossible. 

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27

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