Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Happy September

Happy September! For me, September means starting school again. With a full time schedule, I get a little **ok, a lot** stressed out. Our classes are mostly all day long, which means that when I get home it's time to study. All the work makes me feel anxious, so I am making a few goals for September that will hopefully help me to deal with school better while still doing other things that are important!

Hanging with some of my favorites (:
September Goals:

1. Listen to a Bible class on the way to school every morning. Daniel and I have been choosing different recorded classes and listening to them on our separate ways to school/work. Love it because it's a reminder first thing in the morning (and I do mean first thing!) to put God first that day. A great place to download classes is here and here.

2. Study while I'm ahead. Easy to say, hard to do. Sometimes I do really well, but often I'm so bad about procrastinating. I don't study enough and often wait too late to do it. While school is just starting up and I'm not overwhelmed with assignments yet, I need to remember to use my extra time wisely!

3. Have a weekly date night and meet up with my friends at least once a week. Last year, Daniel and I always had a date night every week, even if the date was just staying at home and reading a book together or watching a movie. I want to do the same this year. I also want to make sure to meet up with friends at least once a week. That's not to say that I'm not going to see them more, but sometimes when life gets busy, meeting up can get hard!

That's all for now. I don't want to overwhelm myself with goals, but I do want to encourage myself to prioritize and keep up. What are your goals for September?

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