Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Joys of October

October is over, say what?!! October has been so awesomely awesome. We've been house-sitting most of the month, which has been great, but I'm looking forward to being at my own house again tomorrow! 

During the month of October, we have had a LOT of rain. Which has been awesome for California but not awesome for my being outdoors. 

Other awesome things in October are the food drive that our church put on. We went door to door in the neighborhoods around our church which was scary but also wonderful. And we got a ton of food! Even if it doesn't change anyone's life, I'm glad to have the opportunity to do good in the name of Jesus. If only we showed the love of Jesus to the world a little more. 

Another thing I've been doing a lot in October is embroidery! It's so fun and addicting. Sometimes, I just want to embroider my way through life. My friends and I have been meeting for weekly stitch club, which is just an afternoon of pure delight. 

School has been going well and I just took my LAST midterms EVER. If that's not exciting, I don't know what is. We went to a folk dance Halloween party last weekend, where we wore awesome matching costumes! I've never done a lot of costumes before so it was pretty fun to dress up!

My normal state with this crazy guy. 

How was your October? 

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